Install Pip3 Ubuntu

Active1 month ago

Welcome to our guide on how to Install Pip3 and Django on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Django is a free and open source high-level Python Web framework designed to encourage rapid Web development without the need to reinvent the wheel. We’ll show you how to install Pip on Ubuntu 16.04. Pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages which are found in the Python Package Index (PyPI).These software packages are written in Python and are typically used to extend or enhance a Python application. Stack Exchange network consists of 174 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange.

I am trying to install the Pillow module for python 3.3, but for that I need to install pip.Every time that I install pip it installs for python 2.7, any help?

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8 Answers

2018 Update: This is still attracting upvotes which worries me.

12.04 has been unsupported for about a year now. The best way you can install pip3 is by upgrading to a newer, supported version of Ubuntu. You have 3 LTS versions to pick from.

While on more modern versions of Ubuntu you could just sudo apt-get install python3-pip (and then use pip3), a Python 3 copy of pip was never packaged for 12.04.

Therefore you need to follow the more old fashioned install route with easy_install:

Now, there is every chance that this will clash with Python 2's pip and override/usr/bin/pip, because it will install a python3 based /usr/local/bin/pip which is also in Ubuntu 12.04's $PATH.

Manually Install Pip3 Ubuntu 18.04

It shouldn't overwrite it so as long as you know that, it might be acceptable. However it might be best to start investigating the happy world of virtualenv as this answer suggests.

Alternatively you could rename the easy-installed python3 version of pip:

Then you can confirm your existing pip is still python2.7 based:

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You may also install it by sudo apt-get install python3-pip and then call it by pip3. Et voilà

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If you work with several versions of python on the same machine, it might be useful to work with virtual environments. This allows you to work with as many instances of python you want, each with their own set of packages. This is very useful if you're working with several versions of python, and/or if your projects require different versions of the same package(s).

To set this up:

This can be done with ANY pip, so also with the standard pip using python 2.7. Then, to make a virtual environment with python3 as the interpreter, do:

Then install any packages you might want using

To stop the virtual environment, simple type:

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After installing python 3.3 using a PPA for Ubuntu 12.04, I installed easy_install 3.3 using locally using the following commands

This avoids polluting the site's installation of pip and easy_install. Finally, I added $HOME/.local/bin to my path. Now I can run pip3.3!

Install Pip3 In Ubuntu

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To add to dmeu's answer, you may have to update your /etc/apt/sources.list to include mirrors from a more recent repository, such as trusty.

To clarify on what Long-term support means, it does not necessarily mean that they are keeping precise up-to-date with the latest and greatest software. Sure, you will get a few updates from it, but then you'll have cases where certain packages don't exist, like python3-pip, which does exist in the trusty repo, for example.

What LTS means, is that they are keeping precise on the main repo, so that your package manager doesn't break. This will ultimately give you a chance perform an apt-get update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade when 12.04 finally becomes obsolete. They call it support, rather than cutting-edge, for a reason.

If the apt-get route still doesn't work, you may also try downloading a .deb package of python3-pip, and using dpkg, a.k.a. the debian package manager, to install it

Hope this helps.

Braden BestBraden Best

by now my favorite option is to install anaconda or miniconda for python3:

Any package can be installed by conda install package-name

If you need python2, you can create a virtual environment:

conda create -n python2 python=2.7 anacondasource activate python2

See details here:

Serial number lightroom 5. MacOS: •| 482 MB| •| 465 MB| •| 441 MB| •| 441 MB| •| 438 MB| •| 430 MB| •| 423 MB| •| 414 MB| •| 394 MB| •| 394 MB| •| 340 MB| •| 339 MB| •| 214 MB| •| 209 MB| •| 209 MB| •| 209 MB| •| 181 MB| •| 174 MB| •| 1 MB| Addresses issues related to launching Lightroom and accessing online help.

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Adding universe to the repositories does the trick.
Here I found it:

Blockquote You have to enable universe category which contains python-pip package.

Open /etc/apt/sources.list using an editor

then add universe at the end of each line, like this:

then run:

and finally:

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Install Pip3 Windows

jimmy tavarezjimmy tavarez

I tried:

This seemed to do the trick for me. I hope this helps others having the same issue.

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